FirstTry Hacktory Writeup

Hacktory Web security module


Lab Description Link to heading


In this lab work, you will have to do a little work with a weakly secured development studio website and use the dirsearch and dirb tools to gain unauthorized access to the site.

Difficulty - 1 static electricity shock out of 5

Solution Link to heading

In this tutorial we will use the dirsearch tool. Start the application and try to analyze the website at http://www.hacktory.lab. To do this, you can use the command -url http://www.hacktory.lab -e txt,log. The utility will automatically analyze the website and show you the directories and files found. Look carefully at the results of the analysis and tell me, what is the name of the log file?

Use the command from the hint


Finding two files. Logs and database file.

In the logs you can find the path to the admin panel


And in the database file is the password for the database
